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We are forming cohort groups within the PLN to connect members with similar interests. Get involved with the area of #digcit that interests you!
The descriptions below give very general examples of the work that each cohort group might engage in. Once the groups have been formed and participants discuss the strengths and passions that each member brings, each cohort will fine-tune its goals for the upcoming year.
Do you have another #digcit interest that isn't listed below? Click here to tell us about it and we'll try to connect you with someone who shares that interest.

The work of this group might include curating and developing resources that would be beneficial for campus and district administrators who want to implement and/or evaluate a digital citizenship initiative. You will likely also provide feedback to the committee that is refreshing the ISTE Standards for Administrators.

Professional Learning
We know that effective professional learning models can have an effect on teacher practice. The work of this group might include creating resources for modeling and teaching appropriate digital citizenship instruction in professional learning experiences. How can we help ALL teachers to include authentic conversations and learning about digital citizenship in their classrooms? How will we know if teachers are making a difference for their students?

Career Readiness
What do companies wish new employees knew about digital citizenship? The work of this group might be to determine what various industries would like for their new employees to understand about social media and digital citizenship. This group might also curate and develop suggested resources for HR departments to use with new employees.

School-Age Children
The work of this group will focus on the needs of elementary age children. Student voice is needed in this conversation as well, so if you have students who want to collaborate, we would love to have them. The emphasis will be on best practices for helping kids to develop good digital habits early.

Public Policy
Are you interested in issues like digital equity, social justice, or other school board or state level issues? The work of this group might involve curating and developing #digcit resources for school boards, state agencies, etc. How might we impact policy about digital citizenship in school boards or at the state level?
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