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AT&T has created internet safety resources
I recieved an email about internet safety resources from AT&T suggesting I should check it out. They have created an interactive online...
Student Voice and Leadership in Social Media
Check out how this school is utilizing students as media interns to share their school's story. Meet Your Viking Voice

The Positive Side of Social Media
“The principal goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply...
Be Internet Awesome
Teach it: Be Internet Awesome Shared from Recently I...

Using Social Media for Good | Moving From a Fear-Based Conversation to Empowerment
Each year, my favorite speaking engagement is being invited to present for a series of Internship Days for our Career Education...

Information Literacy
By Chris Stuchko, M.Ed @chrisstuchko Special Education Teacher, Emmaus High School (Emmaus, Pa.) If it is on the Internet, then it must...

Who is responsible for teaching Digital Citizenship skills?
Who is responsible for teaching Digital Citizenship skills? We all are: educators, parents, Administrators and Instructional Coaches. We...

Welcome to our blog!
Thanks so much for stopping by! We are working on getting our Professional Learning page up and running and can not wait to hear from...
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