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Be Internet Awesome

Teach it: Be Internet Awesome

Recently I had the privilege of attending Google’s Be Internet Awesome training at the Google headquarters in Chicago. Not only was this an opportunity to learn, but also a check on my bucket list of AWESOME things to experience. Google tools and resources have become a huge part of many schools. They are constantly adding, updating and listening to educators as they work to improve and meet the needs of educators and students. Besides all of the tools in their Suite, they have many other awesome things to offer. Speaking of AWESOME...

Access: This is the first time in history that a generation is growing up with constant Access to the Internet. In fact, 79% of teens (and younger) have their own smartphone. Students (and adults) have access to information at their fingertips. Today technology is being used both personally and educationally. Schools across the country are purchasing and providing devices for students. With this access, many are thinking about digital citizenship and how to reach and teach the importance of being a digital leader, managing digital identity, engaging in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior and understanding/respecting the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.

We: When it comes to Digital Citizenship and being Internet awesome, We are in this together. As educators, we need to embrace the teachable moments regarding digital leadership and building a positive digital presence. According to the Family Online Safety Institute, educators are the most trusted source to maximize benefits and minimize harms of technology for children. It is important to remember Digital Citizenship IS citizenship!! Google has done an amazing job with their NEW: Be Internet Awesome curriculum. Aligned with the ISTE standards for students, Be Internet awesome creates opportunities to learn and explore the fundamentals of digital citizenship and safety in an interactive environment. Be Internet Awesome is a FREE online resource with no login or account required. With easy access students and families can learn together. Together WE can be a team and promote, model and teach digital citizenship.

Edtech: Edtech Defined: Education technology, or “edtech,” is the study and practice of teaching and learning processes and strategies that incorporate devices, apps, programs, and media. Edtech can be used in traditional classrooms, at home, and as part of learning in almost any setting. Many schools have devices for students and many of them have a device for each student. Not only does this provide access to so many resources, but also opportunities for students to connect, collaborate, create and think critically. Edtech is creating opportunities to transform teaching and learning. Students do not need teachers to deliver all information as so much is at their fingertips.

Security: Security is not always on the top of the list with students, but as parents and adults we often think and wonder about security with accounts, devices and social media use. One thing I learned during my Be Internet Awesome day at Google was that security is priority. Whether you are using a Chrome enabled device or account, Google is on point with security features. Did you know they even offer $100,000 if you can hack a Chromebook?

Opportunities: It seems as if we always talk about all the opportunities our students have when it comes to devices, apps, tools and extensions. These opportunities are only as good as the purpose. Google has Nailed it with Be Internet Awesome. Not only do they have specific lessons focused on Being Internet Awesome, they break it down into Five key parts associated with being a responsible digital citizen. Students learn the importance of Being SMART, ALERT, STRONG, KIND and BRAVE. Included in the curriculum are lesson plans for the five topics, with activities and worksheets that were designed to complement Interland. Kids can play their way to being Internet Awesome with Interland, an online adventure that puts the key lessons of digital safety into hands-on practice with four challenging games.

Me: Being Internet Awesome is for adults too. So many times we focus on what we are telling our kids and we forget that they are watching our online actions too. It is important to reflect on these questions: Are you internet Awesome? Do you portray yourself as a digital leader? Have you Googled yourself? What does YOUR digital footprint look like? How secure is your password? These are just a few things to consider when reflecting on your digital presence and what you model for kids. After all, they learn from both our successes and failures.

Education: Education is key! There is no other way to put it. Assuming because students are “digital natives” that they can appropriately operate and navigate a device is a false assumption. The access and possibilities related to technology cannot be underestimated. IF we can get teachers and students excited about what access to technology can do for learning, the safety and digital citizenship will come along with it. In education when our kids do not know how to read, we teach them, when they do not know how to write, we teach them, when they do not know how to practice online safely….. We NEED to teach them. We need to partner with families, be a model, and together teach and promote digital leadership and online responsibility.

So many great things were shared and discussed at Chicago’s Be Internet Awesome event. Of all those things, a stand out to me is partnering with parents. Whether we bring them in, share resources, or have conversations to learn together, we need to be a team. Below are some of the amazing resources shared by some of the presenters. I would love to chat more and work with others who are on a similar mission to collaborate, educate and create digital leaders in their communities. Together we are better!!

Connect Safely Guides- Collection of short guidebooks for parents about popular apps, services, and platforms popular with kids from Connect Safely who host Safer Internet Day. How Secure Is My Password- Check your password strength and how long it will take for your password to be hacked. Family Online Safety Institute- Resources and toolkits for talking to parents and students about digital safety. Schools may request a free presentation to share to help you have positive digital parents. LEAP Innovations- Within the LEAP personalized learning framework there are samples of contracts to have with students about good digital citizenship and rules to keep them safe online. There are also strategies for being a learner connected. Be Internet Awesome - Games and curriculum to help teach students to be internet smart, alert, strong, kind and brave! Kids can play their way to being Internet Awesome with Interland, an online adventure that puts the key lessons of digital safety into hands-on practice with four challenging games. Teachers can download the curriculum to use with students. Digital Citizenship & Safety Course for Educators- Learn why we teach digital citizenship and safety, online safety on the go, savvy searching, how to stay safe from phishing and more in this short certification course. NEW: Family Link (for Android devices)- Create a Google Account for your child that's like your own and lets parents manage apps, keep an eye on screen time and set timers on the device.

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