Twitter Chats
Join us the 3rd Thursday of every month for a chat on a topic relevant to the digital citizenship conversation. Chats will be held at 8:00pm CT (9:00 ET; 6:00 PT).
Have an idea for a chat topic? Want to moderate? We'd love to hear from you! Click here to sign up.

What I Learned About
#digcit at #ISTE17
Moderated by Sue Thotz and Barbara Huth
(@sthotz and @huth_barbara)
July 20, 2017
This is your Service Description. Use this space to explain this service in more detail.

August Chat: Starting the School Year
with a #digcit State of Mind
Moderated by Julie Paddock and Nancy Watson (@jpaddock_tech and @nancywtech)
August 17, 2017
Cultivate a #digcit state of mind in all your students this school year!

September Chat: Best Practices in Social Media Use
September 14, 2017 (note this is the SECOND Thursday due to Rosh Hashanah)
Moderated by Kathleen Reardon (@MagistraReardon)

October Chat: The Role of EdTech Coaches in the Development of Good #DigCit
October 19, 2017 (During Digital Citizenship Week!)
Chat will be co-moderated by members of @DigCitPLN and @EdTechCoaches

November chat: Media Literacy
November 16, 2017
Moderated by Julie N. Smith (@julnilsmith), author of Master the Media

December chat: Student Privacy: Protecting Students While Telling the Story of Your School
December 14, 2017 (note this is the SECOND Thursday due to the winter break)
Moderated by Keegan Korf (@OPSMrsKorf)

January chat
January 18, 2018
Moderated by Kevin Rokuskie (@krokuskie)

February chat:Â Teaching Current Events and Navigating "Fake News"
February 15, 2018
Moderated by Chelsea Murphy (@listenwiselearn)

March chat:Â Creating Tech Field Trips
March 15, 2018
Moderated by David Lockett (@davidjlockett)

April chat:Â Virtual Futures: Trajectories of Digital Media Literacies
April 19, 2018
Moderated by Elizabeth Bishop (@DrBishopDigital)

May chat: Digital Citizenship and Social Emotional Learning
May 17, 2018
Moderated by Dana Cox (@DanaKCox)

June chat: What do you hope to learn/do at the ISTE conference?
June 21, 2018
Moderated by @DigCitPLN leaders