March's Digital Citizenship Champion is 9-year-old Pablo Hernandez.
What is Digital Citizenship?
By Pablo Hernandez
Digital Citizenship means you are a good citizen that uses technology. Responsible digital citizens always behaves on the device that they are interacting on. Just like a friend, digital citizens are never cyberbullies.
When I am on Twitter (@SteamNerds), I only post things related to STEAM and I always double check my message before posting it. At school, my teachers talk to us about how it is important to always be kind and never post personal information. I am glad to have people to show me how to be safe online because a lot of what we do is on the computer.
Points on Pablo:
Featured Student Speaker at ISTE 2017
Will be a presenter at ISTE 2018
Enjoys learning coding and engineering but also takes time to teach other kids to code.
He is focused on becoming an engineer and inventor when he grows up.​
Editor's note: Be sure to follow Pablo's mom, too - she is @teachplustech.