May's Digital Citizenship Champion is Lagan Mongia.
Lagan was nominated by Dr. Kristen Mattson. Lagan writes,
"Our society, being heavily dependent upon the Internet, needs people who are good digital citizens. These people utilize the Internet to be actively engaged members of society. Without this structure, there would be all sorts of chaos on the Internet and people would not have a purpose to be online. Students, being the group of people who use the Internet the most, must be aware of the repercussions that exist if they do anything they are not supposed to. Above all, they must use the Internet in such a way that it benefits others. Being a cohort leader and a former student ambassador in a non-profit organization called Peerlift, I am able to say that we actively seek to improve the lives of students daily. We empower the younger generation with opportunities ranging from scholarships, internships, to summer programs. Those who are less fortunate than others are not fully aware of their true potential, or of what they can truly accomplish with just a little push. We act as that push and provide them with all sorts of opportunities. Now more than ever, we need people who make the lives of others better. This can be done in the littlest of ways. For example, this can be a quick comment complimenting someone on any form of social media. Spreading positivity to someone's life is an uplifting feeling and truly makes someone an amazing digital citizen."